As you may or may not know, a very generous friend of mine from church has let me borrow and live in his 26' camping trailer since November, allowing me to be comfortable while I'm working on my house. He surprised me last week by telling me he needed it back by July 20th. I've been steadily working all spring trying to get to the point where I can have a climate controlled area to sleep in and a working bathroom and shower.
It will be pretty close, but God willing, I'll make it, but I may have to put a previously scheduled trip to one of my favorite events on hold. The annual fly-in at Mark Smith's Posey Patch ultralight flight park in Mount Vernon, Indiana is a great place to be the last weekend in June! I've been to the fly-in twice in past four years and it's a great time. I may not be able to make it this year. It's a good thing that I've scheduled this time off from work because without it I don't think I would be ready to move in by the time the camper disappears!
Of course the pop-up that belongs to my buddy Al is still there and I can always fall back on that for a few days (or weeks) until the house is ready, but like I said, God willing, I'll be ready!
The status of the house so far...11 out of 14 electrical circuits roughed-in including the bedroom and bathroom, which I'll be needing as soon as I move in. The water supply plumbing is 98% complete, with just the utility sink final connections, and the hot connection to the water heater and the final hookup to the system remaining. The waste plumbing system is 90% complete inside the house. I've got a backhoe scheduled for July 3rd and 4th to dig the trenches for the underground power from the pole and the septic final line. My plan is to have the shower installed by the end of next week, when I was supposed to leave for the Posey Patch! If I'm on schedule, I may consider going for the weekend, but we will see.
As soon as the supply and waste plumbing is complete and connected and the power connected, I just lack installing insulation in the bedroom, and I'll be able to move in!