TV Envy!
I visited all the electronic stores before Christmas, wishing I could afford a new Plasma or LCD TV. I was currently watching on a 13" with pretty crappy color. I decided that I just didn't want to go any more in debt and decided to save my money and buy one next Christmas. I ended up buying a regular TV antenna to allow me to get more channels through my digital converter box. I temporarily mounted it upstairs inside, where it worked very well. I got away with about $60 total.
On December 23rd, I went to Chicago to visit my sister for Christmas. I had a wonderful visit. My sister has a 60" LCD TV. It's a monster. It was great watching! Then I went to visit my mother. She and her husband have a 46" LCD. More great watching! When I came home and watched one of the college football bowl games (Georgia VS Michigan State) I was pretty bummed. I couldn't see anything very well unless I was a foot from the TV. Then I realized that Georgia's helmets were supposed to be red. They were YELLOW on this TV! Something had to be done.
I remember seeing digital TV tuner thingys for computers, and since I have a 19" plasma computer monitor, I thought that would be the ticket. I finally have my truck available again, so I took it to the home store and bought the materials to mount my antenna outside on the roof. Then I went to Best Buy and got a USB Digital TV tuner with digital video recorder for about $85.
I came home and spent a few hours mounting my antenna and permanently running and hooking up the RG-6 cable into my room. Then I hooked up the TV tuner and went through the setup process which took about an hour. Now I'm watching High Definition TV on my computer monitor, which provides a larger, superior picture than the old crappy tube TV. It's not a 46 or 60 inch screen, but it's night and day when compared to the other. For now, I'm satisfied. God willing, by December, I'll have a 46" plasma for my viewing pleasure!