Sunday, November 30, 2008

Stariwell and side roof complete

As previously mentioned, I had only one more piece of roofing to install to complete the roof over the stairwell. It was cold and windy today. The cold makes the roofing material stiff and hard to work with. The sun shone through once in a while and it was enough to allow me to do the work, but not warm enough to keep it from being miserable! I installed the last piece and installed four "cap strips" at the peak of the roof. These really didn't want to lay down right because half of each piece was angled. I'm hoping these will lay down flat when exposed to the sun that is forcast for next week. If not, I'll have to reinstall them in the spring when it's warmer.

I'm thinking that since the felt is keeping the western roof portion dry, I may wait until early spring to complete the roofing. The trees on that side of the house shield much of the sun so it will be just awful to try to work the material in this colder time of year.

On the positive side, I only have 165 more square feet of roofing to install, but that also includes the 45 degree x 16" wide portion on the front of the house, which will be even more awkward than the stairwell roof. Oh well! Isn't house construction fun?!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A bit more roofing done

Yesterday it was cloudy, cold and windy. The sun shone through once in a while, but it wasn't long enough to warm up the roofing material so it would lay flat. I nailed on the strips where the roofing cement would hold the material down and generally prepared everything so that I could install the roofing today. It was sunny and about 55 degrees today. Not really warm enough to allow the material to lay flat completely, but warm enough that I could work with it. I installed about 100 square feet today, all of which was over the stairwell, where all the water was coming in. Now I can remove the old ultralight parachute that was catching the dripping water and funneling it into containers on the stairwell landing. I only have 1 more strip of material to install on top of the stairwell before it is complete. The images below show the roofing progress and the parachute that I can now remove. Only about 125 square feet left and I'll be completely finished!

Roofing material installed.

Parachute hanging inside the stairwell.

This small portion is all the roofing I have left!